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Texas Insurance Blog

Umbrella Insurance Versus Excess Insurance

If you’re a homeowner or business owner, protecting your investment with insurance is important. However, if the value of your property or business is substantial, you may benefit from purchasing umbrella insurance. If you are in the Coppell, TX, area and have questions about umbrella insurance, our David King Insurance Services LLC team invites you to discuss your insurance needs. We’ve been serving clients in your area since 1992.

Umbrella Insurance Versus Excess Insurance

Residential and commercial insurance clients who want to purchase additional insurance coverage can do so with umbrella insurance, or they may prefer to utilize excess insurance. Although both these options provide additional coverage beyond your policy limits, they do so in different ways. According to Get BCS, excess insurance doesn’t change the policy terms but provides additional coverage if you have a catastrophic loss. Umbrella insurance changes the terms of your policy and will give you extra coverage for your losses.

Excess insurance uses the same guidelines as your basic policy but allows additional coverage beyond the stated maximum payment limit. An umbrella policy offers an additional coverage amount but also provides additional circumstances that qualify as eligible circumstances for coverage. According to Get BCS, excess insurance is typically less expensive than umbrella insurance.

Call Us for Your Appointment Today

Our David King Insurance Services LLC team can help you understand umbrella insurance and decide whether that option is right for you. We can also help you find the proper life, auto, or health insurance policy. Residents of the Coppell, TX, area will find excellent customer service and knowledgeable agents. Call us for an appointment today, and let’s talk about insurance.

Assessing Your Personal Flood Risk

Flooding is one of the most prevalent natural disasters, costing homeowners and insurance companies billions each year. While some areas mandate flood insurance due to their high-risk status, it’s worth considering whether you need flood insurance even if it’s not compulsory. Evaluating your flood risk can help you make this decision.


Due to heavy rainfall, properties near bodies of water are more susceptible to flooding. Homes situated in valleys or at low elevations also face an increased risk. FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center provides a nationwide risk assessment. For more information about your risk in Coppell, TX, consult with David King Insurance Services LLC.


It’s important to consider your area’s flood history. A simple online search can reveal recent floods in your vicinity, suggesting that investing in flood insurance might be a wise decision. Even if FEMA classifies your area as low-risk due to infrequent flooding, historical data might reveal a flood occurrence in the recent past.

Climate Change

Climate change is another factor to consider when assessing your flood risk. New weather patterns are emerging, leading to flooding in previously unaffected areas. For instance, Ohio is now included in Tornado Valley despite not being prone to tornadoes a few years ago. Research local disasters online and consult with neighbors to gauge the likelihood of flooding in your area.

City Preparedness

While most city governments are prepared for natural disasters, not all are. Some small towns in Ohio might not have tornado warning systems in place due to not yet recognizing the new risk factors. The same applies to cities and towns now prone to previously considered safe flooding.

Homeowners at an increased risk should consider reliable flood insurance. Contact David King Insurance Services LLC in Coppell, TX, to learn more.

Get Four Types of Protection in Your Motorcycle Insurance

It’s important to have motorcycle insurance if you’re tearing up the roads with a bike. It’s just as important as having auto insurance for a car. Motorcycle insurance works much like car insurance, being available with several different types of coverage. If you don’t have this type of policy yet, call us at David King Insurance Services LLC in Coppell, TX.

Bodily Injury Liability Coverage

This type of coverage is needed for motorcycles to pay for any injuries to other parties after an accident with your bike. This is vital to have because the cost of medical bills can be so high. If you didn’t have this coverage, it could mean financial devastation for you.

Property Damage Liability Coverage

This works similarly, but it pays for the other party’s property damage. Whether it’s a vehicle, a building, landscaping, or anything else, this coverage can pay for the damage to someone else’s property caused by your motorcycle.

Collision Coverage

This is a different type of coverage that isn’t required by law. It pays for the damage to your motorcycle after you’ve been in an accident. You need to have this in place in case there is any level of damage. You may already know how expensive it can be to repair a bike, and you shouldn’t have to pay for that out of pocket.

Comprehensive Coverage

This coverage type pays for damages and other incidents that occur to a bike when it isn’t on the road. When it’s parked or being transported, it faces several risks. This coverage can help you when any number of events happen to your motorcycle.

Secure Your Motorcycle Insurance with David King Insurance Services LLC

You are always required to have motorcycle insurance for your bike. Call us today at David King Insurance Services LLC in Coppell, TX if you don’t have it.

Boat Insurance Coverage for Storage Essentials

Your insurance policy should cover your watercraft and boating essentials when you are not actively using them. Consider the storage essentials that you are responsible for when your boat is docked.

Watercraft Storage

An uncovered or covered storage unit should be protected against theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. If you are renting storage space, your boat may be covered against some types of damage.

If you are solely responsible for storing your watercraft and boating essentials, you will need to decide how much insurance protection to equip your boat storage with.

The type of storage setup that you have selected may influence your decision. Watercraft storage should not focus solely on the space where your boat will be docked.

You will need to consider how you will keep your boat clean and dry. If you have decided to use an outdoor area for boat storage, you may want to invest in a boat cover or a similar product to shield your boat from wind and rain.

Boating Essentials

You will need to decide how you would like to store the boating essentials that you rely upon when you use your boat. It may be more convenient to store these items onboard your boat.

If so, individual waterproof covers will add a layer of protection that will keep navigational aids, furnishings, and other important items clean and dry.

Contact An Insurance Agent in Coppell, TX

Once you have planned how to store your boat and boating essentials, you should compare insurance products that will protect your possessions.

Consult with one of our agents at David King Insurance Services LLC. An agent will recommend boat insurance products that protect your boat and boating accessories while stored.

How Does Umbrella Insurance Protect Coppell, TX, Residents From Costly Lawsuits?

Umbrella insurance is an ideal safety net for residents in Coppell, TX, as it provides protection against potential lawsuits that may exceed any coverage limits you currently have with your standard home, renter’s, or auto insurance policies. When facing a liability claim for property damage, an injury, or even an accident on your property, umbrella insurance can help cover additional expenses, alleviating the financial burden on you. If you’re in Coppell, TX, and want to learn more about umbrella insurance, David King Insurance Services LLC is here. 

Protect Investments and Assets

When living in Coppell, TX, you want to protect high-value homes, assets, and vehicles from potential lawsuits or financial woes. If your standard insurance policy does not cover the expenses in a lawsuit, you may be held personally liable to cover the excess costs. Umbrella insurance covers the excess costs, ensuring you can protect and preserve the loss of your assets, property, or savings account.

Coverage Beyond Standard Policies 

Choosing umbrella insurance policies can help alleviate everyday worries associated with lawsuits and liability. Not only does umbrella insurance protect against property damage and auto accidents, but it can also assist financially if an incident occurs outside your home. From slander and defamation to personal injury cases, it’s ideal to have umbrella insurance if you want to minimize and mitigate as much legal and financial risk as a homeowner as possible. 

Obtaining umbrella insurance protects you financially while offering peace of mind as a homeowner in Coppell, TX. At David King Insurance Services LLC, we can help you find the right umbrella insurance policy and plan for you and your household. Contact us today to learn more about umbrella insurance policies and options that are right for you.

Home Insurance vs. Flood Insurance in Coppell, TX

Coppell, TX residents know all too well the dangers of flooding and property damage from severe weather, such as hurricanes and heavy rainfall. 

Below, the insurance professionals at David King Insurance Services LLC discuss some of the key differences between flood insurance and home insurance. 

Home Insurance vs. Flood Insurance in Texas

Many first-time homeowners assume that purchasing a comprehensive home insurance policy will protect them from all potential perils. Knowing the difference between home insurance vs. flood insurance can help you protect your home, family, and your most precious investments from the wrath of nature’s fury. 

While a comprehensive home policy can help protect people from incidents related to fire, theft, vandalism, property damage, and natural disasters, most home insurance policies will generally exclude flood damage. 

The best way to ensure that your home and family are protected from potential flooding at the Elm Fork of the Trinity River and other local tributaries that reach peak capacity during heavy rainfalls, hurricanes, and thunderstorms is to talk to a trusted local insurance agent and learn more about your options for home and flood insurance. 

Protect Your Home and Property from Flood Damages in Coppell, TX 

It is important for local residents to beware of their potential flood risks and take proactive actions to limit damage. This includes following local emergency guidelines and maintaining comprehensive flood insurance to offset the financial burdens that can arise due to structural flooding, hurricanes, and natural disasters. 

Be proactive by speaking with a trusted local insurance agent. 

Contact David King Insurance Services LLC to learn more about financial protection from flood damage to your home’s external and internal structure and learn how to recoup the value of damaged personal belongings. 

Three Types of Condo Insurance Protection

Condo insurance is a critical way to protect yourself when you own a condo. It provides several different types of protection, all rolled into one policy. When you’re buying a condo or already own one and need insurance, call us at David King Insurance Services LLC in Coppell, TX, to find out more. 

Condo Protection 

This type of protection protects the portions of your condo against damage from certain damaging events. This type of coverage includes many kinds of events, such as accidents. It doesn’t protect the outside of the outer walls, as that’s for the condo board to insure. Instead, it goes by exactly which parts of the building that you own. Sometimes, this includes the middle area between the outer walls and the inside of those ways; sometimes, it doesn’t, depending on what you purchased. 

Protection for Possessions

When a damaging event happens that causes damage to your possessions inside your condo, this can mean a lot of expensive damage that requires items to be replaced. It can be extremely expensive to replace just a few items, much less a roomful of items or even more. With a condo policy, the items can be replaced so that you won’t have to start all over again without the things you need. 

Liability Protection

If someone were to come over to your condo and get injured, you’d be liable for a lot of bills. It’s important to be covered against this liability, and that’s exactly what condo insurance does. It will pay those bills on your behalf after an accident. 

Get Condo Insurance

It is never a good idea to go without a condo policy for your home. To get started, call David King Insurance Services LLC in Coppell, TX.

How Term Life Insurance Works

Choosing a life insurance policy is crucial if you want to ensure a legacy for your loved ones. A plan is pivotal in providing for your family after you’ve passed on. A term life insurance policy, one of two principal types, comes with its own pros and cons, differing vastly from the other major type, whole life insurance. As a separate category, whole life insurance has its own strengths and weaknesses. For advice on picking a life insurance policy, you can contact us at David King Insurance Services LLC in Coppell, TX.

The Time Period

Term life insurance is characterized by its finite lifespan. A term life policy is structured to last for a specified number of years, be it five, fifteen, twenty-five, and so on. Younger individuals can generally secure longer-term life insurance. Once that period is over, the life insurance policy expires. While the expiration aspect may deter some, others are swayed by the useful benefits associated with it.

The Financials of Term Life Insurance

One significant advantage of a term life policy is its cost-efficiency compared to a whole life policy. Although it has an expiration date, the lower cost makes it an affordable option for many who cannot secure a whole life policy. Although this type of policy doesn’t accumulate a cash value like whole life insurance, its affordability extends its reach to a larger population.

Secure Term Life Insurance

Contact us at David King Insurance Services LLC in Coppell, TX for life insurance needs.

From Incident to Resolution: Navigating Renters Insurance Claims With Ease

Navigating renters’ insurance claims around Coppell, TX can be easy if you follow and understand the steps and keep in touch with your insurer.

Understanding Your Policy

Before an incident occurs, familiarize yourself with your renter’s insurance policy. Know what is covered, including personal property, liability, and additional living expenses.

Documenting the Incident

Immediately after an incident, such as theft or damage, document with videos and photos of the areas and items. Create a list of damaged or stolen property, including descriptions, values, and purchase dates. Having a comprehensive inventory will support your claim and expedite the process.

Reporting the Claim Promptly

Report the incident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Provide all information and a list of damaged or stolen possessions. Prompt reporting helps to start the claims process quickly and prevents unnecessary delays.

Cooperating with the Adjuster

Cooperate fully with the adjuster by providing additional information if requested and allowing access to your home for inspection. Effective communication with the adjuster can help clarify any uncertainties and smooth the process.

Temporary Repairs and Living Arrangements

If the incident has left your rental uninhabitable, your policy may cover additional living expenses. Keep receipts for any temporary accommodations, food, and other necessary costs. For minor damages, make temporary repairs to prevent further damage, and keep receipts for these costs.

Following Up

Keep in contact with the insurance company from start to finish. Follow up on the status of your claim and always respond immediately to deliver information.

David King Insurance Services LLC Helps Guide You

David King Insurance Services LLC will help guide you and show you how renters insurance can save you money in the long run. Our team covers the Coppell, TX, region. Contact us today.

Vacation Liability Insurance for Your Recreational Vehicle

Vacation liability insurance is an add-on insurance product that will protect you while your RV is parked at a campsite. Learn how this type of insurance works to limit your liability when physical damage or an injury occurs.

Standard Insurance

Your standard RV insurance policy is effective when you are driving on public roadways. It covers you if you are involved in a traffic accident and damage property or cause bodily harm.

However, a standard RV policy does not protect you when your vehicle is parked at a campsite. To acquire the protection you may need while vacationing, you should pursue the purchase of a vacation liability insurance add-on.

Insurance For Travelers

Vacation liability insurance is an add-on that is suited for travelers. It does not provide coverage for those who live year-round in an RV. An individual who lives in their RV permanently will need to acquire insurance designated for this type of living arrangement.

Liability Protection

Property damage and bodily injury can occur while your RV is parked at a designated campsite. If your recreational vehicle is parked next to other vehicles, you could be held liable for any damage or injury that is your fault.

If you acquire a vacation liability insurance add-on, it will cover the costs that are a direct result of property damage or injury.

Contact David King Insurance Services

Contact a David King Insurance Services LLC representative to acquire a vacation liability insurance add-on. One of our agents serving Coppell, TX, will help you choose a coverage amount that will provide enough protection while you are on vacation.

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  • Locally owned and operated
  • Works with multiple carriers
  • Combines policies for best rates
  • Customer friendly services
  • Print out your auto ID cards from home, anytime!


Partner Carriers

  • AIG
  • Allstate
  • American Modern
  • ASI
  • Bankers Insurance Group
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Bristol West
  • Chubb
  • CNA
  • Combined Group
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Gainsco
  • Geico
  • Hagerty
  • Hallmark
  • Harleysville
  • Infinity
  • Kemper
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Mercury Insurance
  • MetLife
  • Mutual of Omaha
  • National General
  • Nationwide
  • NBS (Nationwide Brokerage Solutions)
  • Next
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Semsee
  • Texas Mutual
  • Travelers
  • Utica
  • Zurich