Motorcycle insurance coverage provides protection if you are involved in an accident. Use the following guidelines to report an accident and file an insurance claim.
Police Report
The accident needs to be documented. The local police need to be contacted. They will fill out paperwork that will serve as a record of the accident. This paperwork can be used to substantiate your insurance claim.
Reach Out To Your Insurance Agent
You should contact an insurance agent next. One of our agents at David King Insurance Services LLC, serving the greater Coppell, TX community, will ask you some questions about what occurred. We will outline the steps that will need to be taken to properly file your insurance claim.
Claims Paperwork
The agent who consults with you may request that you fill out some paperwork. You will be provided with a date and time to meet with the agent.
The paperwork will serve as proof of the motorcycle accident. These documents will be reviewed during the claims process.
Insurance Adjuster
An insurance adjuster will be assigned to review your case. They will inspect your motorcycle for signs of damage. The adjuster will fill out a report that contains information about their inspection.
Followup Steps
You should stay in contact with your insurance agency throughout the claims process. Our Coppell, TX agents are trained to assist their clients with any questions or concerns they have about an insurance claim.
Consult With Us
Now that you have some basic information about the claims process, you may feel more confident about what to do if you are involved in an accident. For more information, reach out to us at David King Insurance Services LLC.