Homeowners acquire property insurance to protect their investment as a matter of course, but renters may not know that renter’s insurance can help protect them from expensive financial losses. Although you may not feel you own a significant number of costly items, replacing them after a loss can cost thousands of dollars. At David King Insurance Services LLC in Coppell, TX, we offer individualized attention for all your insurance needs.
Many renters feel they don’t own enough personal items to justify the expense of renter’s insurance. They may not realize that items such as clothing, electronics, furniture, and common household goods can add up to thousands of dollars in replacement costs if they experience a fire, theft, or vandalism. Your landlord carries insurance for the building, but this type of policy does not cover the personal goods of the renters who occupy the premises. When an incident occurs, they are often left with many expenses that are not included.
Renters insurance can help to defray the costs of replacement when you experience an unexpected loss. In addition, renter’s policies also include coverage of medical expenses for anyone who is injured while on your premises. A renter insurance policy can also cover alternative housing if you cannot use your premises after an incident. This coverage can save you a significant amount of money while your apartment is being repaired and restored.
The insurance professionals at David King Insurance Services LLC have the knowledge and experience to help you find the right coverage for your individual needs. We provide several insurance products, including home, auto, life, and business. Call David King Insurance Services in Coppell, TX today for your free, no-obligation quote on renters’ insurance in Texas. We want to help you find coverage for your belongings!
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